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Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 14:13:44
OK, I'm almost well settled, only thing I need now is internet in my apartment (I'm in a cybercafe now) ^^

Thanks to LV for welcoming me at the airport and giving me a ride to the city centre. We'll have a drink another time ;-)

Does someone know a good Internet company for me? :-Dk

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 14:38:03
Lygrys Polski
Jakisik taki nie kumaty ten łobco-krajowiec, A biegosem żeśta go nafutrowali ?! HE ?!

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 15:09:03
a gdzie chleb i sól? ;)

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 15:24:56
Angora Turecka
Cytat z "Desim":
Does someone know a good Internet company for me? :-Dk

It depands on which provider is aviable at your flat. Most common are Neostrada, Netia, Chello..., but there are many more smaller providers, also local ones. So you need to do some researches. But probably Neostrada will be aviable (it is supported by TP SA, so it is everywhere). Chello is a part of UPC and it is only aviable at blocks of flats net (not in the simple houses, or very rarely). Netia is an alternative for Neostrada (biggest TP competitor probably). Some other alternative for those mentioned could be GTS Energis, but i'm really not sure would it be accessible for you.
Resaerch, research and one more time - research...

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 15:32:21
Cytat z "Rynvord":
Cytat z "Desim":
Does someone know a good Internet company for me? :-Dk

It depands on which provider is aviable at your flat. Most common are Neostrada, Netia, Chello..., but there are many more smaller providers, also local ones. So you need to do some researches. But probably Neostrada will be aviable (it is supported by TP SA, so it is everywhere). Chello is a part of UPC and it is only aviable at blocks of flats net (not in the simple houses, or very rarely). Netia is an alternative for Neostrada (biggest TP competitor probably). Some other alternative for those mentioned could be GTS Energis, but i'm really not sure would it be accessible for you.
Resaerch, research and one more time - research...
OK, thanks, it's a start, but I hope their websites have an english version... :-/k

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 16:00:57
Lygrys Polski
że niby nasza? A niechaj narodowie wżdy postronni znają, iż Polacy nie gęsi, iż swój język mają !

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 16:09:47
Cytat z "Desim":
Does someone know a good Internet company for me? :-Dk

I think that good choice for you would be some of mobile pre-paid internet provider, because it works anywhere and you don't have to sign long-term contracts (the shortest are usualy for one year). For example you can buy modem with sim-card from operator called Play for only 129zł. Paying 30zł/month you have 2GB to use. But it could be hard with English-language operator website, but you always can ask us for help :)
Have a nice stay in Poland :)
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Podpis zastępczy v2.04

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 16:11:19
Redi, strona dostawcy internetu.

Nope, most of them [Internet Providers' webpages] are polish only. Get used to translators.

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 16:14:17
niech ktoś koledze napisze coby poszukiwał operatorów lokalnych w swojej okolicy (ogłoszenia na klatkach schodowych itp.)

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 16:17:48
Lessie: jak tu przyjechał na 3,5 miesiąca to raczej nic "stacjonarnego". Niewiele jest operatorów oferujących internet bez "lojalki" w rozsądnej cenie...
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Podpis zastępczy v2.04

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 16:24:15
jak dobrze wykombinuje to podpisze umowę nawet na dwa miesiące, a potem ją elegancko rozwiąze :P

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 6.02.2009 16:48:40
Angora Turecka
Cytat z "Lessie":
jak dobrze wykombinuje to podpisze umowę nawet na dwa miesiące, a potem ją elegancko rozwiąze :P

W sumie się zgadzam, i napisałem o lokalnych operatorach. Właśnie z Neo, Netią, Palyem czy Chello bym raczej nie kombinował, tylko z kimś mniejszym...

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 9.02.2009 14:15:18
przykład, u naszego dostawcy podpisuje się umowę na czas nieokreślny na podstawie dowodu osobistego, cudzoziemiec (o ile nie ma pozwolenia na pobyt) musi co najwyzej zapłącić kaucję w wysokości jednego abonamentu, umowa ma miesięczny okres wypowiedzenia, a w biurze po angielsku zawsze się z kimś można dogadać... i dzięki temu studenci i osoby wynajmujące mieszkania biorą od nas net :P

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 18.02.2009 14:31:19
Hi again everyone!

thank for taking time to think about an internet operator. But i got saved unexpectedly by the school, they gave me acces through their intranet to the Internet. it's still a bit unstable (vpn through wifi connection) but at least I have Internet now!

i am sorry to not have given any more news about me but I took the time to open a little blog, here is the link: It's all public so feel free to have a look at it. I hope to go visit krakow, Gdansk, Warsaw and maybe Zakopane, and I'll certainly post some pictures from there when I go. I hope to meet some of you when I'm coming.

I need some information though.
As i plan to go to several cities and maybe meet some of you, i know I can't expect you to let me stay the first night you meet me at your home. So I would be happy if some of you could provide me some info for finding youth hostels in each city I am planning to visit (or at least a good website about it).

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 18.02.2009 16:52:28
Wilk Grzywiasty
i can help about Gdansk

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 18.02.2009 20:10:02
Tygrys z Cheshire
Pm me. I'll give you my phone number. We can arrange a furmeet when you'll be visiting warsaw.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Ryan dnia 18.02.2009 20:10:24
"Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin," thought Alice; " but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever seen in my life!"

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 20.02.2009 13:08:35
Hi there,

thanks for the offers! I'm coming next week-end 27-29 to Warsaw. Since I need 5 hours to come and 5 back, I'll be staying more than one day to have enough time to spend there. --k

Someone convinced me Wroklaw was also worth to visit, so I'll try to go there too ^^

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 20.02.2009 13:21:23
Charyzmatyczny Nieznajomy z Imprezy
Cytat z "Desim":

Someone convinced me Wroklaw was also worth to visit,

Nope, it's not.

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 20.02.2009 13:44:04
Lateksowy książe
Cytat z "Desim":

Someone convinced me Wroklaw was also worth to visit, so I'll try to go there too ^^

It is. :)

Cytat z "Vethuleion":

Nope, it's not.

That's only your opinion.

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 20.02.2009 14:05:51
Cytat z "Szczurex":
Cytat z "Desim":

Someone convinced me Wroklaw was also worth to visit, so I'll try to go there too ^^

It is. :)

Cytat z "Vethuleion":

Nope, it's not.

That's only your opinion.
Either someone doesn't want me to come, either it's true ;)
I hope he meant the latter.

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 20.02.2009 15:31:16
Hello Angelfox :-Dk
Wroclaw is one of most beautiful cities in Poland, with splendid Old Market totally renewed after Flood in year 1997, also there are many other good historical sightseeing places.
If you come to Wroclaw I can take you to some sightseeing trip around my city.
COming to Wroclaw is a must if you want to know Poland a bit. :-Dk .
And we have some hostels so there will be not a problem with accommodation.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Purrry dnia 20.02.2009 15:33:25

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 20.02.2009 15:47:46
Charyzmatyczny Nieznajomy z Imprezy
There are many other places worth visit, seriously. Probably someone is too lazy to move his ass and want's you to be their furmeet attraction ;]

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 21.02.2009 16:31:25
Tygrys z Cheshire
Ostatnio edytowany przez Ryan dnia 21.02.2009 16:32:32
"Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin," thought Alice; " but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever seen in my life!"

Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 21.02.2009 17:35:42
Cytat z "Ryan":ń

Just to name a few places worth visiting.
Hehe, i'm afraid i will not have the time to visit everything ^^"
And i hope i won't be broke before the end of my stay in Poland XD
I'll make my best to go in as much destinations as possible.
Re: Belgian incoming!
Wysłano: 21.02.2009 19:42:38
Yay, I'm registered for eurofurence! :3
I hope I'll see some of you there too!

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